About HFM


About HFM

About Honolulu Friends Meeting

Honolulu Friends Meeting, on the island of Oahu, was formed in 1936, although the first Quaker Meeting for Worship in Hawai'i was held 100 years earlier, when Daniel Wheeler, a traveling Friend, visited in 1836.

The new Meeting met in Friends' homes and in rented premises, until in 1956 a permanent home for the Meeting was chosen on Oahu Avenue, which has been the home of Honolulu Friends Meeting ever since. In 1965, HFM Meeting became part of a new Pacific Yearly Meeting.

HFM is an unprogrammed Meeting, whose membership currently numbers around 90. The wider Meeting community includes about180 Friends on Oahu, 80 on other Hawaiian Islands, and the rest are scattered across the US mainland and the world.

Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business is attended by about 30 Friends the second Sunday of the month after regular Meeting for Worship.

Regular events include: the Meeting for Healing on Tuesday afternoons, the Meeting for Connecting on Wednesday afternoons, and on Sundays after worship there are often different presentations, discussion groups, and guest speakers.

Hawai'i Peace & Justice (HPJ), successor to the Hawaii area program of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), has meetings open to Quakers and non-Quakers alike.

Honolulu Friends Meeting is an open and affirming congregation and everyone is welcome. Many people of different faiths, from all walks of life, visit and attend Meeting for Worship.